Alternate Field Experiences related to Mathematics Through the Arts


  1. Research and identify a set of arts-informed mathematics experiences of personal/professional interest.
  2. Engage family/friends/acquaintances with these arts-informed mathematics experiences.
  3. For each experience, include a description and images of what you shared. Also, discuss each of these experiences from the perspective of what you felt, learned and may do differently next time.  
  4. These experiences would then be shared on this AFE website as resources for teacher candidates and teachers in the field.

How to get started

Send an AFE proposal to George Gadanidis at

Proposal components:

  1. Topic
  2. Rationale & timeline
    • Explain why this interest you
    • List start, mid-point report, final report dates
  3. Outline of research and development
    • describe what math/art connections you want to investigate and what type of activities you want to create
  4. Outline of engagement
    • describe who/how you will engage