The Wonder of Math

The Wonder of Math is an online outreach and research program, offering tutoring and enrichment.

The program is designed by George Gadanidis based on over 20 years of classroom-based research.

Initially, we will work with grades 8-9 students in one Ontario school district.


Fractions as areas?

We start with:

  • “What do you need help with?”
  • “What are you curious about?”

We design learning experiences that offer:

Infinity in my hand!
  • a low floor (minimal prerequisite knowledge)
  • a high ceiling (varied representations and more complex relationships)
  • computer programming (where appropriate)
  • mathematical surprise
  • conceptual insight
  • a love of mathematics


What did you do in math today?
  • work in 1:1 with a tutor
  • and in small group settings
  • and learn to share their learning at home


  • we also offer sessions for parents, in small groups