Ontario Math Proficiency Test (MPT)


To the best of our knowledge, EQAO is tasked with writing the MPT.

The mathematics content component of the MPT is designed to assess the applicant’s understanding of the fundamental knowledge and skills of three mathematics content dimensions that encompass a wide range of learning expectations from Grade 3 to Grade 9 in the mathematics section of The Ontario Curriculum: Number sense, relationships and proportional reasoning, and measurement.

See details at https://mathproficiencytest.ca/#/en/applicant/explore/about:whats_on

Session 1: Thursday October 10, 7:30-9:00 pm

Session 1 will focus on questions dealing with Linear Relationships from the Sample Grade 9 EQAO Test, which is available at https://dwod99k06nyqh.cloudfront.net/#/en/test-auth/g9-sample/340/adaptive

We’ve also made it available as a PDF.

We are focusing on EQAO questions as EQAO will write the MPT.

Practice Questions

  • Work through the 6 questions listed below from Sample Grade 9 EQAO Test (as best as you can). These questions are highlighted in yellow in the PDF.
    • Stage 1: Questions 1, 4 & 14
    • Stage 2: Questions 1, 2 & 7
  • All 6 questions deal with Linear Relationships
  • a full solution set for the 6 questions above, plus a Scratch program that model linear relationships;

Session 2 will focus on solutions to 2 new sets of EQAO Linear Relationships questions.

  1. 2018 sample questions – try these then see the solutions below
  2. 2019 sample questions – try these then see the hints below

In the Session 2 we will:

  1. Solve the 2019 sample questions
  2. Discuss any questions you have about the 2018 sample questions

A zoom link will be sent to you on Tuesday October 15.

Session 2 will focus on a complete Practice Test for the Grade 9 EQAO Assessment.

SESSION 4: More Grades 6 & 9 SAMPLe tests

At the link below you will find 10 grade 6 and 10 grade 9 EQAO tests. We will be posting solutions sets as we complete them (some have already been completed and posted).


Session 5: Coding puzzle extensions to EQAO TOPICS

Go to https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/453644929/editor

Run the code. You should get the list of numbers shown below.

1. Edit the code to get each of the following:

2. Edit the code to list the odd numbers 1-19 in reverse order: 19, 17, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1.

  1. Go to https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/457027214/editor
  2. Run the code. You should get the lists of numbers and sums shown on the right.
  3. Edit the code to list and find the sum of numbers 10, 20, 30, and 40. Can you predict their sum?
  4. Edit the code to list and find the sum of numbers 100, 200, 300, and 400. Can you predict their sum?
  5. Edit the code to list and find the sum of numbers 11, 22, 33, and 44. Can you predict their sum?
  6. Edit the code to list and find the sum of numbers 111, 222, 333, and 444. Can you predict their sum?


  1. Go to cscircles.cemc.uwaterloo.ca/console and enter and run the code below. It will list the first 5 even numbers.
  1. Edit the code to list the first 10 even numbers.
  2. Edit the code to list the even numbers 6 to 20.


  • Edit the code to list:
    • The first 5 odd numbers
    • The odd numbers 11 to 25


  • Edit the code to list:
    • The first 10 natural numbers
    • The natural numbers 10 to 20


  1. Go to cscircles.cemc.uwaterloo.ca/console
  2. Enter and run the code below. It will list the first 4 natural numbers and their sums.
  • Edit the code to find the sum of numbers 10, 20, 30, and 40. Can you predict their sum?
  • Edit the code to find the sum of numbers 100, 200, 300, and 400. Can you predict their sum?
  • Edit the code to find the sum of numbers 11, 22, 33, and 44. Can you predict their sum?
  • Edit the code to find the sum of numbers 111, 222, 333, and 444. Can you predict their sum?

Run the code at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/964727477/editor .

You will see the list of numbers shown below.

This code represents the pattern shown below.

How would you edit the code to create each of the flowing lists of numbers?

Edit and run the code to test your predictions.

Go to https://cscircles.cemc.uwaterloo.ca/console .

Enter and run the code below.

You will see the list of numbers shown on the right.

This code represents the pattern shown below.

How would you edit the code to create each of the flowing lists of numbers?

Edit and run the code to test your predictions.

Go to https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/556330557/editor to see and run the code below.

Alter the code to create each of the plots below.

See https://imaginethis.ca/mathncode/games-sims.html

See https://imaginethis.ca/mathncode/games-sims.html

See https://imaginethis.ca/mathncode/games-sims.html


Session 6: Pedagogy Component

Practice test
  • Try the 22 questions from the EQAO sample test on pages 1-3 of this PDF.
  • Check you solutions on pages 4-6 of the PDF.
How to study

Study with a peer or group of peers.

Cut out the 22 questions and solutions on this PDF.

  • Glue matching ones back to back.
  • Play a Q&A game with a peer or group of peers.

Study the 4 documents above.

  • Identify key ideas and write a question and answer for each.
  • Play a Q&A game with a peer or group of peers.